
Somatrop Lab Steroids
for Sale


Somatrop-Lab Steroids, Human Growth Hormone and Peptides are manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Modrava medica (EU) Somatrop Laboratories.

At Somatrop Laboratories Modrava medica, specialists are engaged in the research and development of various forms of solid finished anabolic steroids. Somatrop-Lab develops finished forms in a newly built complex of research laboratories, where all the latest tools and equipment are available for form development and analytical support. The development uses a modern approach Design of experiments (DOE).

In the Somatrop-Lab for the development of finished forms, there is a pilot site where work is carried out to scale up the developed technologies, and where it is also possible to produce small series of finished anabolic steroid products, including final packaging. We strictly adhere to all Good Manufacturing Practice standards.

Human Growth
Hormone (HGH)

Innovative technology creates a molecule identical to natural

The HGH undergoes quality control for biological activity

Raw materials from the best European suppliers

Somatrop-Lab Steroid Shop

The Somatrop-Lab Steroid Shop is the creator and owner of the Somatrop Laboratories steroid brand. Somatrop-Lab is not involved in the sales and distribution of the Somatrop Lab brand from other Steroid Shops. If you are interested in our products and want to purchase them, please buy it from our official Steroid Shop –

Somatrop steroid quality
Somatrop steroid quality
control meets
all GMP requirements.

Somatrop Oral Steroids for Sale

Somatrop Oral Steroids
Dosage by Steroid Medical Standards

Secure and Protective packaging

Somatrop Authenticity codes

The exact dosage of the active substance

Compliance with GMP standards in steroid production

Soft sesame oil is used

Somatrop Laboratories Shop

Somatrop Laboratories shop was established as a part of a private steroid shop and laboratory. Long-term experience encourages us to obtain a high-quality steroid product that meets the requirements of Somatrop Laboratories grade drug and anabolic steroid standards.

Somatrop-Lab main area of development is manufacturing of HGH Somatrope-Lab Human Growth Hormone Somatropin, so this term formed the basis of the steroid brand name.

Our Somatrop Shop is selling high quality injectable steroids same like Testosterone, Trenbolone, Sustanon, Boldenone, Nandrolone and many more.

Somatrop Lab have also oral steroids same like Oxandrolone, Methandienone, Stanozolol, Oxymetholone, Turinabol etc.

After your steroid cycle you can start your post cycle therapie with Tamoxifen Citrate and Clomiphene Citrate.

Somatrop shop